Services Dorchester County Water Authority

Residential ServiceCommercial ServiceService AreaFee Schedule

Residential Service Requirements:

When starting service, please have your driver's license, lease agreement, or mortgage info with you.

To start Residential Water Service you must pay:

  • $25.00 Activation Fee.
  • $75.00 Deposit

Once your service is active you may pay:

  • $25.00 monthly service fee. (Includes first 2,000 gallons of water usage.)
  • $3.50 per 1,000 gallons over 2,000 gallons.
  • $10.00 late fee if the account is unpaid by the date due.
  • $50.00 disconnection fee if your service is disconnected.

Bills are due on the 10th of every month. Accounts not paid in full on or before the due date are subject to additional fees and disconnection. Accounts past due on the 11th of each month will be assessed a $10.00 late fee.

Commercial Service

Monthly Service includes 12,000 gallons of water. Monthly minimum bills are charged based on the size of the meter associated with your location. Usage over 12,000 gallons will be billed at $3.50 per 1,000 gallons.

To start Commercial Water Service you must pay:

  • $25.00 Activation Fee.
  • $100.00 Deposit
  • Any additional fees necessary to install a tap at your location. ( See Commercial Service Tap Chart Below)

Monthly Charges and Delinquent Fees:

  • $62.00 - $768.00 monthly service fee based on the meter size at your location. (Includes first 12,000 gallons of water usage.)
  • $3.50 per 1,000 gallons over 12,000 gallons.
  • $10.00 late fee if the account is unpaid by the 10th of each month.
  • $50.00 Delinquent fee if your account is past due.

Bills are due on the 10th of every month. Accounts not paid in full on or before the due date are subject to additional fees and/or disconnection. Accounts past due on the 11th each month will be assessed a $5.00 late fee.

Commercial Service Tap and Facility Recovery Fees

Meter Size Facility Recovery Fee Tap Fee Total Cost Minimum Monthly Bill
5/8"  $       2,000.00  $        800.00  $      2,800.00  $          62.00
1"  $       3,000.00  $    1,000.00  $      4,000.00  $          62.00
2"  $     10,000.00  $    2,175.00  $    12,175.00  $         102.00
4"  $     32,000.00  $    8,500.00  $    40,500.00  $        256.00
6"  $     60,000.00  $  40,000.00  $  100,000.00  $        563.00
8"  $     80,000.00  $  50,000.00  $  130,000.00  $        614.00
10"  $  100,000.00  $  50,000.00  $  150,000.00  $        672.00
12"  $  120,000.00  $  50,000.00  $  170,000.00  $        768.00

Dorchester County Water Authority reserves the right to negotiate fees for line extensions and larger meters.

Due to SC state law and DOT regulations, additional charges may be incurred for taps that require a bore under existing roadways.

Service Area: If you do not see your neighborhood or area of residence on the list below please contact us. We will verify which water utility company you will need service with.

Communities Within Dorchester County Water Authorities Service Area

Ashley Hills Hershey Park Meadow Run Southern Magnolias The Providence At Legend Oaks
Belmont Hickory Ridge Moss Haven Sprucewood Tranquil North
Blackberry Creek Hidden Hills Myers Mill - Farm Side Squires MHP Tranquil South
Brookwood High Meadows Myers Mill - Racetrack Side Summers Corner Twin Lakes
Caire Yelleau Highlands Oakridge Estates Summerville Country Estates Victoria Point
CalometValley Highwoods Palmetto Forest Summerville Estates Walnut Farms
Carriage Hills Hillside Farms Pineforest Sweats Mhp Waterside Landing
Conoflo - St. George Hunters Creek Pinehill Acres Sweet Briar Wentworth Hall
Country Side MHP Kensington Park Plum Creek Teal On The Ashley West Oaks
Dorchester Regency Knightsville Reevesville The Bluffs Whispering Fields
Drakesboro Legend Oaks Reminisce The Club At Legend Oaks Willow Point
Enclave Legend Oaks River Birch The Glen At Summerset Timber Trace
Greenwood Ranches Limehouse Crossing Scotch Range The Ponds Plantation Mallard Crossing



Dorchester County Water Authority Schedule of Fees

Type Fee Explanation
Activation fee $25.00 One time charge per location - non-refundable
Residential Water Deposit $75.00 The deposit is applied to the account once service is terminated. The remaining balance is then refunded.
Residential Water Deposit - Alternate Identification $125 - $200.00 For customers without state IDs. The deposit is applied to the account once service is terminated. The remaining balance is then refunded.
Commercial Water Deposit $100.00 Applied to account at service termination. Remaining balance refunded
Late Notice Charge $10.00 Applied to accounts that receive a late notice. All notices are mailed to the billing address.
Delinquent Account Service Fee $50.00 Any account past due is subject to a Delinquent Fee.
Returned Check (NSF) $35.00 Bank and Online returned transaction fees

Customer Requested Services

Same Day Service $25.00 Service Requests made before 3:30 PM for the same day.
- Meter Read $25.00 Meter read at the customers request
- Pressure/Flow Check $25.00 Service request for water pressure or flow issues
Meter Data Log Report $50.00 Service request for a 90 day Meter Datalog
Meter Box Unlock/Relock $25.00 Meter box will be unlocked and then relocked 5 - 10 business days later

After Hours, Emergency, and Weekend

After-hours Scheduled Service $150.00 Charged per hour per technician. 4-hour minimum. Call 2 weeks ahead to schedule.
Emergency Service - Provider side $0.00  
Emergency Service - Customer side $100.00 Call originating after 3:30 PM - example: customer requires meter box unlocked or service shut off at meter.
Non-emergent after hours service $100.00 Same day service after 3:30 PM - example: start service, delinquent reconnect

Meter Obstruction

Meter Obstruction Meters are to remain accessible and free of obstruction at all times
- First offense $10.00 Written Notice. 14 days to correct.
- Second Offense $50.00 Written Notice. 14 days to correct.
- Third Offense $100.00 Written Notice. Billed Monthly until resolved.

Meter or Meter Box Damage

Meter boxes are Utility property. It is the property owner's responsibility to report damages.
- Replacement Meter Box $500.00 Damage caused by neglect or intent
- Replacement Radio Read Meter $350.00 Damage caused by neglect or intent
- Replace Lid $70.00 Replacement part and labor
- Replace Lid Latch $50.00 Replacement part and labor
- Replace Antenna $70.00 Replacement part and labor


If you have any questions regarding residential service, commercial service, or water availability:

Contact Us!